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Iwona  (Anonymous, 5.173.18.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible to use Pimafucort ointment if my face itches and is red?

Hello my face itches and it is red . Is it possible to lubricate it with Pimafucort ointment about whether there is another ointment for such an ailment greet thank you

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Due to the fact that Pimafucort is a prescription drug, therefore the legitimacy and need for its use in therapy should be assessed by a doctor. Do not use these preparations without consulting a doctor. It is difficult for an outsider to assess the legitimacy of such therapy without knowing your medical records. Pimafucort is recommended for the short-term treatment of superficial skin diseases that respond to corticosteroids, with secondary infections caused by bacteria sensitive to neomycin and/or natamycin-sensitive fungi. However, the preparation is not intended to combat skin diseases caused by primary microbial infections. The choice of the form of the preparation should also be decided by the doctor. The ointment is used primarily during the treatment of such skin lesions that proceed with dryness, peeling or cracking of the skin. Pimafucort ointment is recommended especially for seborrheic dermatitis. I enclose a detailed description of the preparation you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/61829/pimafucort-masc/ulotka/17124

Iwona  (Anonymous, 5.173.18.) 2 years ago

CD questions about red and itchy face and Piamafucort ointment added mail

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