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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Magda (Anonymous, 31.0.54.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to get rid of tinnitus?

I had 5 months of squeaks and tinnitus. The ENT did not find any abnormalities, changes, the hearing test came out very well. I was given medication, after which there was no positive result. I dug into the subject myself. I was looking for information on the Internet. I found the cause of the noise and squeaks. It turned out that the problem concerned inflammation of the mandibular and temporal joint! I was at a physiotherapist who specializes in this condition. This is called Temporomandibular Therapy. I only needed 4 treatments and no drugs and sprays, etc. I believe that my problem appeared after intensive dental treatment, this disease is also complained about by people during and after orthodontics, implants when the bark is open for a long time, with burqism. Also, try such therapy because it also eliminates "migraines", which do not have to be migraines. I am happy, finally well-rested and living normally! Recommend

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Dziękujemy za podzielenie się z nami tą informacją.

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