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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Agnes (Anonymous, 77.112.144.) Warszawa 3 years ago

When do I start using Orgametril?

Witam.Mam take orgamentil for teddy bear disorders and hormonal changes. In the recommendations it is taken for 10 days, then menstruation and on the 16th day of the cycle again take 10 days, then menstruation and so cyclically for half a year. I just don't know when to start this treatment now at the beginning. I had menstruation 10 days ago, although I have not yet taken this medicine, whether to start on the 16th day of the cycle, or ever

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Ewelina  (Anonymous, 5.184.203.) 12 months ago

The last period I had on March 10 and I have not yet got my period, the doctor told me to take ORGAMETRIL from 21.04, morning and evening for 10 days

justine13 (Anonymous, 94.75.95.) 3 years ago

Witam. Zaczynam kurację tym lekiem podobnie jak pani. Pierwszą tabletkę lekarz kazał wziąść w 16 dniu cyklu przez 10dni. Potem powinien być okres za 2 dni. Następnie kolejna seria i początek w 16 dniu cyklu przez 10 dni. Dni cyklu są bardzo ważne przy terapii hormonalnej.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Due to the fact that Orgametril is dosed differently depending on the patient's condition, the doctor may specify a different method of starting the therapy than in the leaflet - on a different day of the cycle.

If you have not received specific instructions on when to take your first pill, you should consult your doctor again and ask for specific recommendations.

Here you can consult a gynecologist:


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